32 911
32 911
Project of Wipers for original cars
An open source project
Current: 100%+++++
There are 347 original vehicles support wipers total, now.
---Thanks for your Donate!---
Name of Thanks:
----Important thing to pirated copy-----
Thanks to the Akila_Reigns's advice.
As pirated copy doesn't have some vehicles in new DLC, so your game may crash when you try to spawn these vehicles. Such as Finance and Felony DLC and Cunning Stunts DLC, etc.
In order to keep you away from this problem, I suggest you buy legal copy. GTA 5 is much more worth with it's price, you can play it in years.
This project is an open source project, and the purpose of this project is bring wipers to GTA V original cars, make them more real.
As there are hundreds of vehicles in GTA5, so this will be an international cooperate project, we like modders from all over the world who has ability to made vehicle mod to join us.
You are welcome to join this project, your name will be in credits.
----2nd Description----
To modders who want join us or the player who want download cars of this project.
This project will only add wipers to the original car, we will not change anything else of original car. Like the feature of automatic spolier will be kept, you can check the 1st car of this project, T20. the spolier of it still can be up or down. and the window glass also still can be broken, etc.
I just want tell you that we won't change anything, except add the wipers. :)
To modders who want join us.
In order to let you understand, I will share my Z3D file of this T20, you can find setting of wipers.
You can find the download link in here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ziiu7s51cj0jxth/%5Bwipers%5D001.T20.rar
----Technical support----
To bring wipers to cars in GTA V, you need the Windscreen Wipers script
To add wipers to cars, you may also need some tutorials to teach you how to do it. You can find it in here: https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/526/how-to-create-car-wipers-on-gta5-vehicle. There are text and video tutorials.
If your game crash after install our mod, you may need install a new gameconfig.xml. Thanks to F7YO, you can find it in here:
Gameconfig for Limitless Add-On Vehicles
----How to install-----
We recommend people to install add-on version. The new original cars in our dlc package will automatically replace the old one from game. Means, the game will load our new original car first after you installed our add-on version. It is very similar as Patchday1ng, patchday2ng, etc. thanks MentaL, he developed this feature. So you don't need replace old original cars one by one.
You can find the installation in the readme file.
For the addon version, you may has a limit issue when you install too many cars. So, we prepare a gameconfig.xml for you, which can remove the limit of game. You can put it into this path: update/update.rpf/common/data/gameconfig.xml.
remember to backup the original one first.
So simple, isn't it? :)
----List of original vehicle support wipers----
Due to the number of vehicle is too many, so here I will not write list anymoe, you can find the vehilce list in the images I update.
(1) I'm Not MentaL -- windscreen wipers
and thanks team of script hook v and script hook v .net.
(1) Yoha
(2) I'm Not MentaL
----Change log----
Current: 100%+++++
[17.7.3 update]
(1) Add 5 vehicles from new dlc (there are 2 new vehicles can not been import into ZM3, I will update them in future.
(2) Fixed 1 vehicle in Patchday15ng.
(3) Fixed all boat which has wipers, and already include them in package, total number is 11 (include 1 dump).
(4) Add 12 Convertible vehicles (After almost 1 year, they are finally can been add wipers).
(5) Add 3 vehicles which have wiper components, one is nightshark from new dlc, another 2 are Primo2 and Virgo2 from lowrider(same, after 1 year waiting).
(6) ★Attention please★: If your game crash when you are in airport and with wanted levels, try to remove Police3.yft and Police3_hi.yft, then it should be ok.
There are 347 original vehicles support wipers total, now.
[17.4.4 update]
(1) Add 3 vehicles, they are from new DLC.
(2) Fixed 7 vhicles, they are from new patchday.
[17.1.4 update]
(1) Add 2 vehicles, they are 2 towtrucks.
[17.1.3 update]
(1) Add 4 vehicles from new dlc
[16.12.20 update]
(1) Add 11 vehicles from new dlc
(2) fixed 31 vehicles
(3) Add extra 11 vehicles for optional, they are 1 dump, and 10 boats. you can find them in "for high pc config player, 高配置玩家可选装" folder.
Note, these extra 11 vechiles request high pc equipment config, if you have only 4GB memory and 1GB gpu memory, I suggest you don't install them.
To install these 11 vehicles, just drag them into vehicles.rpf under projectwipers.
[16.9.19 update]
(1) Update 30 vehicles.
[16.9.8 update]
(1) Update 79 vehicles.
[16.8.21 update]
(1) Update 90 vehicles.
[16.8.14 update]
(1) Update 24 vehicles, include some boats, like police boat.
(2) I also fixed the lights on the roof of hammer, you will see it when you spawn and customer the lights. This is only one car I fixed the lights, just an experiment.
(3) As the size of this project's file get bigger and bigger, it takes too much time for me to upload. So I decide to change the update cycle from 1 day to 1 week. Every weekend I will update this project.
[16.8.9 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
(2) Strong recommend you to upgrade the windscreen wipers script to 1.5, it fix a bug on NPC cars.
[16.8.8 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.7 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.6 update]
(1) Removed Cogcabrio and Carbonizzare for now, there's a bug of these 2 cars.
(2) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.5 update]
(1) updated another 6 original vehicles.
[16.8.4 update]
(1) Removed Sentinel2 for now, there's a bug of this car.
(2) Update 6 vehicles, include FIB vehicle.
[16.8.3 update]
(1) updated another 9 original vehicles, all of them are police vehicle.
[16.8.2 update]
(1) updated another 7 original vehicles.
[16.8.1 update]
(1) updated another 8 original vehicles.
[16.7.31 update]
(1) updated wipers for another 6 original vehicles, include F's, M's and T's.
(2) Developed Addon version, make installation more simple.
[16.7.30 update]
(1) updated another 4 original vehicles.
(2) wipers now support boat! (Need windscreen wipers 1.4A, if your's is not this version, please update)
An open source project
Current: 100%+++++
There are 347 original vehicles support wipers total, now.
---Thanks for your Donate!---
Name of Thanks:
----Important thing to pirated copy-----
Thanks to the Akila_Reigns's advice.
As pirated copy doesn't have some vehicles in new DLC, so your game may crash when you try to spawn these vehicles. Such as Finance and Felony DLC and Cunning Stunts DLC, etc.
In order to keep you away from this problem, I suggest you buy legal copy. GTA 5 is much more worth with it's price, you can play it in years.
This project is an open source project, and the purpose of this project is bring wipers to GTA V original cars, make them more real.
As there are hundreds of vehicles in GTA5, so this will be an international cooperate project, we like modders from all over the world who has ability to made vehicle mod to join us.
You are welcome to join this project, your name will be in credits.
----2nd Description----
To modders who want join us or the player who want download cars of this project.
This project will only add wipers to the original car, we will not change anything else of original car. Like the feature of automatic spolier will be kept, you can check the 1st car of this project, T20. the spolier of it still can be up or down. and the window glass also still can be broken, etc.
I just want tell you that we won't change anything, except add the wipers. :)
To modders who want join us.
In order to let you understand, I will share my Z3D file of this T20, you can find setting of wipers.
You can find the download link in here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ziiu7s51cj0jxth/%5Bwipers%5D001.T20.rar
----Technical support----
To bring wipers to cars in GTA V, you need the Windscreen Wipers script
To add wipers to cars, you may also need some tutorials to teach you how to do it. You can find it in here: https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/526/how-to-create-car-wipers-on-gta5-vehicle. There are text and video tutorials.
If your game crash after install our mod, you may need install a new gameconfig.xml. Thanks to F7YO, you can find it in here:
Gameconfig for Limitless Add-On Vehicles
----How to install-----
We recommend people to install add-on version. The new original cars in our dlc package will automatically replace the old one from game. Means, the game will load our new original car first after you installed our add-on version. It is very similar as Patchday1ng, patchday2ng, etc. thanks MentaL, he developed this feature. So you don't need replace old original cars one by one.
You can find the installation in the readme file.
For the addon version, you may has a limit issue when you install too many cars. So, we prepare a gameconfig.xml for you, which can remove the limit of game. You can put it into this path: update/update.rpf/common/data/gameconfig.xml.
remember to backup the original one first.
So simple, isn't it? :)
----List of original vehicle support wipers----
Due to the number of vehicle is too many, so here I will not write list anymoe, you can find the vehilce list in the images I update.
(1) I'm Not MentaL -- windscreen wipers
and thanks team of script hook v and script hook v .net.
(1) Yoha
(2) I'm Not MentaL
----Change log----
Current: 100%+++++
[17.7.3 update]
(1) Add 5 vehicles from new dlc (there are 2 new vehicles can not been import into ZM3, I will update them in future.
(2) Fixed 1 vehicle in Patchday15ng.
(3) Fixed all boat which has wipers, and already include them in package, total number is 11 (include 1 dump).
(4) Add 12 Convertible vehicles (After almost 1 year, they are finally can been add wipers).
(5) Add 3 vehicles which have wiper components, one is nightshark from new dlc, another 2 are Primo2 and Virgo2 from lowrider(same, after 1 year waiting).
(6) ★Attention please★: If your game crash when you are in airport and with wanted levels, try to remove Police3.yft and Police3_hi.yft, then it should be ok.
There are 347 original vehicles support wipers total, now.
[17.4.4 update]
(1) Add 3 vehicles, they are from new DLC.
(2) Fixed 7 vhicles, they are from new patchday.
[17.1.4 update]
(1) Add 2 vehicles, they are 2 towtrucks.
[17.1.3 update]
(1) Add 4 vehicles from new dlc
[16.12.20 update]
(1) Add 11 vehicles from new dlc
(2) fixed 31 vehicles
(3) Add extra 11 vehicles for optional, they are 1 dump, and 10 boats. you can find them in "for high pc config player, 高配置玩家可选装" folder.
Note, these extra 11 vechiles request high pc equipment config, if you have only 4GB memory and 1GB gpu memory, I suggest you don't install them.
To install these 11 vehicles, just drag them into vehicles.rpf under projectwipers.
[16.9.19 update]
(1) Update 30 vehicles.
[16.9.8 update]
(1) Update 79 vehicles.
[16.8.21 update]
(1) Update 90 vehicles.
[16.8.14 update]
(1) Update 24 vehicles, include some boats, like police boat.
(2) I also fixed the lights on the roof of hammer, you will see it when you spawn and customer the lights. This is only one car I fixed the lights, just an experiment.
(3) As the size of this project's file get bigger and bigger, it takes too much time for me to upload. So I decide to change the update cycle from 1 day to 1 week. Every weekend I will update this project.
[16.8.9 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
(2) Strong recommend you to upgrade the windscreen wipers script to 1.5, it fix a bug on NPC cars.
[16.8.8 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.7 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.6 update]
(1) Removed Cogcabrio and Carbonizzare for now, there's a bug of these 2 cars.
(2) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.5 update]
(1) updated another 6 original vehicles.
[16.8.4 update]
(1) Removed Sentinel2 for now, there's a bug of this car.
(2) Update 6 vehicles, include FIB vehicle.
[16.8.3 update]
(1) updated another 9 original vehicles, all of them are police vehicle.
[16.8.2 update]
(1) updated another 7 original vehicles.
[16.8.1 update]
(1) updated another 8 original vehicles.
[16.7.31 update]
(1) updated wipers for another 6 original vehicles, include F's, M's and T's.
(2) Developed Addon version, make installation more simple.
[16.7.30 update]
(1) updated another 4 original vehicles.
(2) wipers now support boat! (Need windscreen wipers 1.4A, if your's is not this version, please update)
Először Feltöltve: 2016. július 28.
Utoljára Feltöltve: 2017. július 3.
Utoljára Letöltött: 1 napja
867 Hozzászólás
More mods by Yoha & I'm Not Mental:
8 140
By Yoha
Project of Wipers for original cars
An open source project
Current: 100%+++++
There are 347 original vehicles support wipers total, now.
---Thanks for your Donate!---
Name of Thanks:
----Important thing to pirated copy-----
Thanks to the Akila_Reigns's advice.
As pirated copy doesn't have some vehicles in new DLC, so your game may crash when you try to spawn these vehicles. Such as Finance and Felony DLC and Cunning Stunts DLC, etc.
In order to keep you away from this problem, I suggest you buy legal copy. GTA 5 is much more worth with it's price, you can play it in years.
This project is an open source project, and the purpose of this project is bring wipers to GTA V original cars, make them more real.
As there are hundreds of vehicles in GTA5, so this will be an international cooperate project, we like modders from all over the world who has ability to made vehicle mod to join us.
You are welcome to join this project, your name will be in credits.
----2nd Description----
To modders who want join us or the player who want download cars of this project.
This project will only add wipers to the original car, we will not change anything else of original car. Like the feature of automatic spolier will be kept, you can check the 1st car of this project, T20. the spolier of it still can be up or down. and the window glass also still can be broken, etc.
I just want tell you that we won't change anything, except add the wipers. :)
To modders who want join us.
In order to let you understand, I will share my Z3D file of this T20, you can find setting of wipers.
You can find the download link in here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ziiu7s51cj0jxth/%5Bwipers%5D001.T20.rar
----Technical support----
To bring wipers to cars in GTA V, you need the Windscreen Wipers script
To add wipers to cars, you may also need some tutorials to teach you how to do it. You can find it in here: https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/526/how-to-create-car-wipers-on-gta5-vehicle. There are text and video tutorials.
If your game crash after install our mod, you may need install a new gameconfig.xml. Thanks to F7YO, you can find it in here:
Gameconfig for Limitless Add-On Vehicles
----How to install-----
We recommend people to install add-on version. The new original cars in our dlc package will automatically replace the old one from game. Means, the game will load our new original car first after you installed our add-on version. It is very similar as Patchday1ng, patchday2ng, etc. thanks MentaL, he developed this feature. So you don't need replace old original cars one by one.
You can find the installation in the readme file.
For the addon version, you may has a limit issue when you install too many cars. So, we prepare a gameconfig.xml for you, which can remove the limit of game. You can put it into this path: update/update.rpf/common/data/gameconfig.xml.
remember to backup the original one first.
So simple, isn't it? :)
----List of original vehicle support wipers----
Due to the number of vehicle is too many, so here I will not write list anymoe, you can find the vehilce list in the images I update.
(1) I'm Not MentaL -- windscreen wipers
and thanks team of script hook v and script hook v .net.
(1) Yoha
(2) I'm Not MentaL
----Change log----
Current: 100%+++++
[17.7.3 update]
(1) Add 5 vehicles from new dlc (there are 2 new vehicles can not been import into ZM3, I will update them in future.
(2) Fixed 1 vehicle in Patchday15ng.
(3) Fixed all boat which has wipers, and already include them in package, total number is 11 (include 1 dump).
(4) Add 12 Convertible vehicles (After almost 1 year, they are finally can been add wipers).
(5) Add 3 vehicles which have wiper components, one is nightshark from new dlc, another 2 are Primo2 and Virgo2 from lowrider(same, after 1 year waiting).
(6) ★Attention please★: If your game crash when you are in airport and with wanted levels, try to remove Police3.yft and Police3_hi.yft, then it should be ok.
There are 347 original vehicles support wipers total, now.
[17.4.4 update]
(1) Add 3 vehicles, they are from new DLC.
(2) Fixed 7 vhicles, they are from new patchday.
[17.1.4 update]
(1) Add 2 vehicles, they are 2 towtrucks.
[17.1.3 update]
(1) Add 4 vehicles from new dlc
[16.12.20 update]
(1) Add 11 vehicles from new dlc
(2) fixed 31 vehicles
(3) Add extra 11 vehicles for optional, they are 1 dump, and 10 boats. you can find them in "for high pc config player, 高配置玩家可选装" folder.
Note, these extra 11 vechiles request high pc equipment config, if you have only 4GB memory and 1GB gpu memory, I suggest you don't install them.
To install these 11 vehicles, just drag them into vehicles.rpf under projectwipers.
[16.9.19 update]
(1) Update 30 vehicles.
[16.9.8 update]
(1) Update 79 vehicles.
[16.8.21 update]
(1) Update 90 vehicles.
[16.8.14 update]
(1) Update 24 vehicles, include some boats, like police boat.
(2) I also fixed the lights on the roof of hammer, you will see it when you spawn and customer the lights. This is only one car I fixed the lights, just an experiment.
(3) As the size of this project's file get bigger and bigger, it takes too much time for me to upload. So I decide to change the update cycle from 1 day to 1 week. Every weekend I will update this project.
[16.8.9 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
(2) Strong recommend you to upgrade the windscreen wipers script to 1.5, it fix a bug on NPC cars.
[16.8.8 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.7 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.6 update]
(1) Removed Cogcabrio and Carbonizzare for now, there's a bug of these 2 cars.
(2) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.5 update]
(1) updated another 6 original vehicles.
[16.8.4 update]
(1) Removed Sentinel2 for now, there's a bug of this car.
(2) Update 6 vehicles, include FIB vehicle.
[16.8.3 update]
(1) updated another 9 original vehicles, all of them are police vehicle.
[16.8.2 update]
(1) updated another 7 original vehicles.
[16.8.1 update]
(1) updated another 8 original vehicles.
[16.7.31 update]
(1) updated wipers for another 6 original vehicles, include F's, M's and T's.
(2) Developed Addon version, make installation more simple.
[16.7.30 update]
(1) updated another 4 original vehicles.
(2) wipers now support boat! (Need windscreen wipers 1.4A, if your's is not this version, please update)
An open source project
Current: 100%+++++
There are 347 original vehicles support wipers total, now.
---Thanks for your Donate!---
Name of Thanks:
----Important thing to pirated copy-----
Thanks to the Akila_Reigns's advice.
As pirated copy doesn't have some vehicles in new DLC, so your game may crash when you try to spawn these vehicles. Such as Finance and Felony DLC and Cunning Stunts DLC, etc.
In order to keep you away from this problem, I suggest you buy legal copy. GTA 5 is much more worth with it's price, you can play it in years.
This project is an open source project, and the purpose of this project is bring wipers to GTA V original cars, make them more real.
As there are hundreds of vehicles in GTA5, so this will be an international cooperate project, we like modders from all over the world who has ability to made vehicle mod to join us.
You are welcome to join this project, your name will be in credits.
----2nd Description----
To modders who want join us or the player who want download cars of this project.
This project will only add wipers to the original car, we will not change anything else of original car. Like the feature of automatic spolier will be kept, you can check the 1st car of this project, T20. the spolier of it still can be up or down. and the window glass also still can be broken, etc.
I just want tell you that we won't change anything, except add the wipers. :)
To modders who want join us.
In order to let you understand, I will share my Z3D file of this T20, you can find setting of wipers.
You can find the download link in here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ziiu7s51cj0jxth/%5Bwipers%5D001.T20.rar
----Technical support----
To bring wipers to cars in GTA V, you need the Windscreen Wipers script
To add wipers to cars, you may also need some tutorials to teach you how to do it. You can find it in here: https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/526/how-to-create-car-wipers-on-gta5-vehicle. There are text and video tutorials.
If your game crash after install our mod, you may need install a new gameconfig.xml. Thanks to F7YO, you can find it in here:
Gameconfig for Limitless Add-On Vehicles
----How to install-----
We recommend people to install add-on version. The new original cars in our dlc package will automatically replace the old one from game. Means, the game will load our new original car first after you installed our add-on version. It is very similar as Patchday1ng, patchday2ng, etc. thanks MentaL, he developed this feature. So you don't need replace old original cars one by one.
You can find the installation in the readme file.
For the addon version, you may has a limit issue when you install too many cars. So, we prepare a gameconfig.xml for you, which can remove the limit of game. You can put it into this path: update/update.rpf/common/data/gameconfig.xml.
remember to backup the original one first.
So simple, isn't it? :)
----List of original vehicle support wipers----
Due to the number of vehicle is too many, so here I will not write list anymoe, you can find the vehilce list in the images I update.
(1) I'm Not MentaL -- windscreen wipers
and thanks team of script hook v and script hook v .net.
(1) Yoha
(2) I'm Not MentaL
----Change log----
Current: 100%+++++
[17.7.3 update]
(1) Add 5 vehicles from new dlc (there are 2 new vehicles can not been import into ZM3, I will update them in future.
(2) Fixed 1 vehicle in Patchday15ng.
(3) Fixed all boat which has wipers, and already include them in package, total number is 11 (include 1 dump).
(4) Add 12 Convertible vehicles (After almost 1 year, they are finally can been add wipers).
(5) Add 3 vehicles which have wiper components, one is nightshark from new dlc, another 2 are Primo2 and Virgo2 from lowrider(same, after 1 year waiting).
(6) ★Attention please★: If your game crash when you are in airport and with wanted levels, try to remove Police3.yft and Police3_hi.yft, then it should be ok.
There are 347 original vehicles support wipers total, now.
[17.4.4 update]
(1) Add 3 vehicles, they are from new DLC.
(2) Fixed 7 vhicles, they are from new patchday.
[17.1.4 update]
(1) Add 2 vehicles, they are 2 towtrucks.
[17.1.3 update]
(1) Add 4 vehicles from new dlc
[16.12.20 update]
(1) Add 11 vehicles from new dlc
(2) fixed 31 vehicles
(3) Add extra 11 vehicles for optional, they are 1 dump, and 10 boats. you can find them in "for high pc config player, 高配置玩家可选装" folder.
Note, these extra 11 vechiles request high pc equipment config, if you have only 4GB memory and 1GB gpu memory, I suggest you don't install them.
To install these 11 vehicles, just drag them into vehicles.rpf under projectwipers.
[16.9.19 update]
(1) Update 30 vehicles.
[16.9.8 update]
(1) Update 79 vehicles.
[16.8.21 update]
(1) Update 90 vehicles.
[16.8.14 update]
(1) Update 24 vehicles, include some boats, like police boat.
(2) I also fixed the lights on the roof of hammer, you will see it when you spawn and customer the lights. This is only one car I fixed the lights, just an experiment.
(3) As the size of this project's file get bigger and bigger, it takes too much time for me to upload. So I decide to change the update cycle from 1 day to 1 week. Every weekend I will update this project.
[16.8.9 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
(2) Strong recommend you to upgrade the windscreen wipers script to 1.5, it fix a bug on NPC cars.
[16.8.8 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.7 update]
(1) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.6 update]
(1) Removed Cogcabrio and Carbonizzare for now, there's a bug of these 2 cars.
(2) Update 6 vehicles.
[16.8.5 update]
(1) updated another 6 original vehicles.
[16.8.4 update]
(1) Removed Sentinel2 for now, there's a bug of this car.
(2) Update 6 vehicles, include FIB vehicle.
[16.8.3 update]
(1) updated another 9 original vehicles, all of them are police vehicle.
[16.8.2 update]
(1) updated another 7 original vehicles.
[16.8.1 update]
(1) updated another 8 original vehicles.
[16.7.31 update]
(1) updated wipers for another 6 original vehicles, include F's, M's and T's.
(2) Developed Addon version, make installation more simple.
[16.7.30 update]
(1) updated another 4 original vehicles.
(2) wipers now support boat! (Need windscreen wipers 1.4A, if your's is not this version, please update)
Először Feltöltve: 2016. július 28.
Utoljára Feltöltve: 2017. július 3.
Utoljára Letöltött: 1 napja
We just add wipers, won't change anything of original cars.
(1) The windows of original car still can be bronken as usual.
(2) The automatic soplier will be kept.
(3) All the LOD level models will be exported as original one.
(4) The wipers now support Convertible cars, Boat and also Helicopter!!~~ need update windscreen wipers to 1.5.
To those who want study how to make wipers on your own car, check this link:
--2017.7.6 22:25:30--
Downloads hit 10,000! XD ~
v1.4 updated, enjoy. :)
Convertible cars support! Boats support! Helicopter support! And of cause, the normal cars support.
There are 347 vehicles support wipers now!
To those who can not download in mega.nz, you can try this(在mega网站上不能下载的人,可以去这里):[17.1.3更新]GTA5原版载具雨刷补完计划-开源项目【添加版与替换版】 v1.1.1
Project accomplished.
start at 2016.7.29, end at 2016.9.19. total: 53 days.
292 vehicles.
2 authors: Yoha and I'm Not MentaL.
1 greater tester: Slash_Alex
Thanks for those people who provide good suggestion and advice, thanks for those people who vote 5 stars to this project. :)
@Yoha wheres the download link
I can't even see the download button.
I have the file downloaded, but when I go to install it, it says there's a download error.
where I can download version 1.4? it says 1.3 here only.
I identified the '.wav' files causing the mechanical/grinding wiper sound caused by mpsmuggler dlc.
Details here:
Just in case that thread linked above gets deleted etc:
Mechanical Wiper Sounds Locations:
- Bomb bay door/mechanical wiper sound is '0x026FCA26.wav' located here:
- Clicking sound (as wiper changes direction) is 'STONE_10.wav' located in the same place here:
cant wait for vanillaworks and IVpack support
would be nice if it didn't crash when at the airport for a minute or 2, still very nice
nevermind stupid ol' me didn't realise removing the ripley fixed it
I like the sound of the wipers I think you captured that oooh I get to drive in the rain feeling. I would like to be able to toggle to drive by wiper. Sound when you pass vehicles and for the people who don't like it I guess. It's kind of the point of the mod if you ask me! I love it what a job fantastic mod hats off I love you guys!
@_@ Not bad, but the skin cannot be changed, and it will affect the work of the bus script DLC
Are these cars with added wipers compatible with the VehFuncs V mod or are they only usable with the Windscreen Wipers mod?
Is it possible to make the wipers work when leaving the car?
how do i get version 1.5 because the website only has version 1.3
Is there any way to fix the single wiper that is stuck upright on every car, until you approach the vehicle?
bro let's make a version for mod-cars,https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/car-wipers#comments_tab this one does not update anymore, I don't know how to download the old version of GTA5 ,it bothers me a lot
I've fixed your mod bro. https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/fix-noise-bug-for-project-wiper-for-original-vehicle please try to update the mod again
not worth it, the wipers spawn on NPC vehicles and make a noise everytime you pass the NPC's cars, and also the wipers stay upright instead of down in position.
can I change the audio?