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  • Gtao65

    Is the latest version of this mod backwards compatible with older versions of the game? The newest versions of the game were reported to remove hundreds of mp vehicles

    2024. május 26.
  • Gtao65

    great idea. does it connect to a specific ai online service? I'm sure a more limited equivalent could be created without ai too if it's text based, whether talking in car or standing next to peds on the street

    2024. január 8.
  • Gtao65

    inaccessible... <Code>AccessDenied</Code>

    2024. január 7.
  • Gtao65

    The author hasn't made any mods since 2019. This still works for me, but in first person mode the interior sometimes disappears (gta is updated to 2944). The character can get stuck with a burger in his hand too, lol. I only have the bus service mods installed and this. You might have better luck with an older version of the game, or just rename your mod or scripts folder temporarily, and install this on it's own just to test it out

    2024. január 1.
  • Gtao65

    Thanks. It works in SP and is a very well done shop interior. It's a pity the caps boots and shirt merchandise on display aren't available to purchase. What tools would be best used to add store staff and in store music (for SP)?

    2023. december 29.
  • Gtao65

    @SuleMareVientu I was in first person in front of the stall, but it hasn't done it since. Perhaps I was to the side slightly, or the vendors can have specific personality attributes (having a bad day, lol).It is good to have a working mod compatible with newer versions of the game.

    2023. december 28.
  • Gtao65

    I eventually made a burger vendor appear at the pier by re entering the area and adjusting the time. The hot dog stand next to it and all others remained empty. Perhaps whether they appear or not is random.

    It would be good if they could be permanent in specific locations such as the beach. Every time I buy a burger, the vendor gets angry and tries to hit me. lol

    2023. december 28.
  • Gtao65

    A nice short intro before the warning screen. Thanks

    2023. december 26.
  • Gtao65

    Thanks. ps I'm not sure if it's solvable due to the nature of the game, but with some seating the player will sink into the object. It usually happens sitting on objects that have no support for the character's back, eg some low grey stone seats or walls you see around buildings or city features. If you need examples I'll go back and check the co-ordinates.

    Aside from different sitting animations or positions such as lying down fully on benches, the only other thing I can think of for an update would be the option to manually look whilst sitting, but without the character overpowering the controls (they look around automatically by default.)

    2023. december 26.
  • Gtao65

    very good. more options with time than many trainers

    2023. december 24.