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  • Wade

    Thank you for this script. If any one is interested in adding two more values that control the sunrise and sunset separately then change these lines

    Private TimeScaleDay As Single = 0.5
    Private TimeScaleSunrise As Single = 0.5
    Private TimeScaleNight As Single = 0.5
    Private TimeScaleSunset As Single = 0.5

    Private NightStart As Integer = 22
    Private SunriseStart As Integer = 7
    Private DayStart As Integer = 8
    Private SunsetStart As Integer = 20

    If (h >= NightStart Or h < SunriseStart) Then
    ActiveTimeScale = TimeScaleNight
    ElseIf (h >= SunriseStart And h < DayStart) Then
    ActiveTimeScale = TimeScaleSunrise
    ElseIf (h >= DayStart And h < SunsetStart) Then
    ActiveTimeScale = TimeScaleDay
    ActiveTimeScale = TimeScaleSunset
    End If

    Public Sub LoadSettings()
    Dim val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7, val8 As String

    val1 = Settings.GetValue("SETTINGS", "TimeScaleDay", "0.5")
    val2 = Settings.GetValue("SETTINGS", "TimeScaleSunrise", "0.5")
    val3 = Settings.GetValue("SETTINGS", "TimeScaleNight", "0.5")
    val4 = Settings.GetValue("SETTINGS", "TimeScaleSunset", "0.5")
    val5 = Settings.GetValue("SETTINGS", "NightStart", "22")
    val6 = Settings.GetValue("SETTINGS", "SunriseStart", "7")
    val7 = Settings.GetValue("SETTINGS", "DayStart", "8")
    val8 = Settings.GetValue("SETTINGS", "SunsetStart", "20")

    ' Convert and assign values
    TimeScaleDay = CSng(val1)
    TimeScaleSunrise = CSng(val2)
    TimeScaleNight = CSng(val3)
    TimeScaleSunset = CSng(val4)
    NightStart = CInt(val5)
    SunriseStart = CInt(val6)
    DayStart = CInt(val7)
    SunsetStart = CInt(val8)

    ' Validate time scale values
    If TimeScaleDay < 0 Then TimeScaleDay = 0
    If TimeScaleSunrise < 0 Then TimeScaleSunrise = 0
    If TimeScaleNight < 0 Then TimeScaleNight = 0
    If TimeScaleSunset < 0 Then TimeScaleSunset = 0

    areSettingsLoaded = True
    End Sub

    Kinyitás a teljes hozzászólás megtekintéséhez
  • Wade

    @carreon24 I haven't seen that error before. Wish I could help, maybe try to make another mod folder with only the support files.

  • Wade

    @Wolfx101 It's was a problematic mod as most people didn't understand how peds work but I'll help you on discord

  • Wade

    @melly3e @GHOST3D Thank you, I hope they still work for everyone

    @Wolfx101 I think that was my enhanced population mod. Basically max peds possible, all types in all areas, and no bird spawns for extra peds.

  • Wade
  • Wade

    @Aurora11 so true.... Sad but true

    2021. február 1.
  • Wade

    @Rennie Did you just delete your comment......everyone knows what happened. Heres a reminder of why i left. Moderators need to change their attitudes (stop being so ban happy and power tripping)

    "You were banned initially, but after further review you were promptly released from the ban. Nothing to be upset about at this point. We've noticed you've unpublished all of your mods again. This time we will not republish them should you change your mind later on. This is no threat, just a friendly reminder."

    2021. február 1.
  • Wade

    @LS_Gamer93 I only drive. I don't use rockstar editor or play missions so I can't say compatibility with using those.

    Makes sense his works, if you look at his code it is a very watered down version of F7YO's gameconfig. If mine is the heaviest, his is the lightest.

    2021. január 30.
  • Wade

    @LS_Gamer93 Sorry to hear that, but if it crashes on vanilla install then this isn't a gameconfig problem.

    2021. január 30.
  • Wade

    @Alex01 the best depends on what you want. Best gameconfig is the one that doesnt crash your game. If vanilla doesnt crash your game, then that one is the best. This one is made for cars, mine is made for ymaps

    2021. január 28.