Retro Liberty City Vehicle & Ped Pack (FDLC, LCEMS, LCPD, and more) [Add-On | Liveries | Functional] 1.0
2 934
2 934
After many months of being in development and plenty of delays, one of the most anticipated packs of the year is finally here. Thanks to the talented team of devs that joined forces to make this masterpiece. Without further ado, here is LC Retro.
Liberty City has the richest history of any city in the country. From the counterculture of the 60s to the war on terror of the 2000s, the Rotten Apple has definitely witnessed the highs and lows of American society.
- 20+ Original and Unique Vehicles
- Functional High Risers for the Traffic Brigham and FDLC Executioner
- 1980s-1990s Style License Plates
- Liveries for many vehicles included in this pack and Monkeypolice188's LC Pack
- Sirens meta for Monkeypolice188's LC Pack (Done for accuracy purposes)
- DukeOfFail's Pre-Merger LCEMS and Post-Merger FDLC Paramedic Peds and Retro Ambulance Liveries
The high riser is openable. (It uses the "Bomb Bay", you'll need the Simple Trainer to open it.)
Step 1: Place the "lcretro" folder into mods > update > x64 > dlcpacks
Step 2: Head over to mods > update > update > common > data
Step 3: Edit your dlclist.xml and add "dlcpacks:\lcretro\" at the bottom
That's it! Everything else is included in readme files when downloaded.
- lcpdgw - Schyster Greenwood
Arguably the most common police cruiser of the streets of Liberty City from the 80s to the Early 90s. Every hoodlum in Broker knew to listen out for the creaking brakes of these dilapidated Greenwoods.
- lcpdtulip - Declasse Tulip
A 70s muscle car that rounded up plenty of pimps, heroin junkies, and wiseguys during the age of disco.
- lcpdcoy - Vapid Coyote
A 60s classic offroader that mostly ripped through Middle Park on the taxpayer's dime.
- lcpdumkgw - Schyster Greenwood
This unmarked Greenwood was the last car many a criminal saw in their rear-view mirrors before losing their freedom.... or lives.
- fdlcprem - Declasse Premier
A 90s sedan that was driven by Battalion Chiefs before and after the Y2K scare.
- fdlcyo - Declasse Yosemite
These SUVs saw service throughout the Late 80s to Early 90s before the far superior Granger took their spot.
- fdlcex - Vapid Executioner
These massive gas guzzling SUVs were the main Battalion Truck of the FDLC from the turn of the millennium to the reveal of the iFruit 2.
- lcambre - Dundreary Meat Wagon
This 70s monster saw plenty of use when someone got stabbed outside a peep show in Star Junction.
- lcemsgw- Schyster Greenwood
Driven by EMS Supervisors during the crack epidemic of the 80s and Early 90s.
- lcemsbrig - Declasse Brigham
An alternate to the Greenwood but with more horsepower under the hood.
- lcemsranch - Declasse Rancher
A brute that followed Ambulances when a dope dealer got shot in South Bohan or Schottler.
- lcemsstan - Vapid Stanier
Driven by EMTs prior to the FDLC merger of the Late 90s.
- lchagw - Schyster Greenwood
Prior to merging with the LCPD, the Liberty City Housing Authority patrolled the hoods of South Bohan, North Holland, and Schottler during the 80s in these surplus LCPD cruisers.
- lcpagw - Schyster Greenwood
Driven by the Liberty City Port Authority during the 80s. This beast had a mean pushbar.
- lcpafr - Canis Seminole Frontier
The LCPA finally got an upgrade in the 90s with this SUV perfect for cruising around the ports.
- lspgw - Schyster Greenwood
The Liberty State Police was happy to auction off this cruiser once the 90s rolled around.
- aspbrig -
The Alderney State Police was driving around with these bad boys in the 80s with the towering Liberty City skyline in their rear-view mirror.
- lcpdtesp - Albany Esperanto
Being a Liberty City Traffic Officer in the 80s and 90s was hard. It was even harder driving outdated surplus LCPD cruisers like the Esperanto.
- lcpdtbri - Declasse Brigham
The best car that the "Traffic Brownies" got to drive. It was sun faded, rusty, and the interior reeked of stale coffee and cigarettes by the 90s.
-kcpdstan -
As a Kingston County Police Officer, nothing says an average day unless you're fighting some rich spray-on fake tan Italian throwing a salted bagel at you in the morning, and then dealing with the Fork Island Icelanders losing and having your Stanier's windshield broken by a hoard of drunk fans in the evening. All while trying to avoid a smaller second Carcer City located in the middle of your county. Nothing can be calm and quiet when you’re next door to Liberty City.
- scpdstan -
Working for Sheffield County PD has its pros and cons. Being in one of the highest paid departments only second to the LSPD, you'll be driving up and down the expressway, dealing with some kid from The Caraways whose dad knows the DA in Port Sowasset on the North Shore, or having fun with the county methheads on the South Shore, at least you'll be in the cruiser’s comfortable seat across from the abandoned nuclear power plant, ignoring everything till your tour is over.
- lctaxichamp -
Mostly driven by psychotic Vietnam Vets in the 70s. The last thing you wanted to do was piss these guys off.
LCPD Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: The_Mookster
LCHA Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage and The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: DukeOfFail, The_Mookster, Bouncyjack
LSP Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage and The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: Bouncyjack
ASP Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, w/, Introvert, GCT, Carface, Dani02
Livery: Bouncyjack
LCPD Tulip:
Model: Rockstar Games and Introvert
Livery: Ciaputek_pl
LCPD Coyote:
Model: Rockstar Games, Dani02, TheF3nt0n
Livery: Ciaputek_pl
LCPA Seminole Frontier:
Model: Rockstar Games, 11john11, and Milo
Livery: Ciaputek_pl and Bouncyjack
LCPA Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Pushbar: Sas994
Livery: Ciaputek_pl and Bouncyjack
FDLC Yosemite:
Model: Thundersmacker, Bob322, 11john11, Hullian111
Livery: DukeOfFail
FDLC Executioner:
Model: Rockstar Games, Thundersmacker, GCT, Carrythxd, TheF3nt0n, Neogeo39
Handling: Eddlm
Livery: DukeOfFail
FDLC Premier:
Model: Rockstar Games and Thundersmacker
Pushbar: Monkeypolice188
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Rancher:
Model: Rockstar Games, _CP_, IVPack Team, Aquamenti
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, w/, Introvert, GCT, Carface, Dani02
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Unmarked Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Dundreary Meat Wagon:
Model: Rockstar Games, RooST4R, w/
Livery: DukeOfFail
Traffic Esperanto:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Lundy
Livery: Frank_Hartigan
Traffic Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, Dani02, GCT, 11john11
Livery: Frank_Hartigan
Kingston County Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Sheffield County Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Champion Cab:
Model: Hangar 13, 2K Czech, Aspyr, Alyxandra Vance, 11john11, Introvert
Livery: DukeOfFail
Voit Turyv - Twinsonic lightbar
w/ - Twinsonic remodeled
Vx5 Voltage, Unopieco, 11john11, Voit Turyv - Aerodynic lightbar
w/ - Aerodynic lightbar remodeled
11john11 - Streethawk lightbar
w/ - Streethawk lightbar emissives
BeastyBill88 - Streethawk lightbar emissives
11john11 - vector lightbar
w/ - vector lightbar emissives
SAS994 - FDLC highriser lightbar
LICENSE PLATES: Retarded_Chicken
Many thanks to everyone involved with this great pack! The pack will be updated from time to time!
Liberty City has the richest history of any city in the country. From the counterculture of the 60s to the war on terror of the 2000s, the Rotten Apple has definitely witnessed the highs and lows of American society.
- 20+ Original and Unique Vehicles
- Functional High Risers for the Traffic Brigham and FDLC Executioner
- 1980s-1990s Style License Plates
- Liveries for many vehicles included in this pack and Monkeypolice188's LC Pack
- Sirens meta for Monkeypolice188's LC Pack (Done for accuracy purposes)
- DukeOfFail's Pre-Merger LCEMS and Post-Merger FDLC Paramedic Peds and Retro Ambulance Liveries
The high riser is openable. (It uses the "Bomb Bay", you'll need the Simple Trainer to open it.)
Step 1: Place the "lcretro" folder into mods > update > x64 > dlcpacks
Step 2: Head over to mods > update > update > common > data
Step 3: Edit your dlclist.xml and add "dlcpacks:\lcretro\" at the bottom
That's it! Everything else is included in readme files when downloaded.
- lcpdgw - Schyster Greenwood
Arguably the most common police cruiser of the streets of Liberty City from the 80s to the Early 90s. Every hoodlum in Broker knew to listen out for the creaking brakes of these dilapidated Greenwoods.
- lcpdtulip - Declasse Tulip
A 70s muscle car that rounded up plenty of pimps, heroin junkies, and wiseguys during the age of disco.
- lcpdcoy - Vapid Coyote
A 60s classic offroader that mostly ripped through Middle Park on the taxpayer's dime.
- lcpdumkgw - Schyster Greenwood
This unmarked Greenwood was the last car many a criminal saw in their rear-view mirrors before losing their freedom.... or lives.
- fdlcprem - Declasse Premier
A 90s sedan that was driven by Battalion Chiefs before and after the Y2K scare.
- fdlcyo - Declasse Yosemite
These SUVs saw service throughout the Late 80s to Early 90s before the far superior Granger took their spot.
- fdlcex - Vapid Executioner
These massive gas guzzling SUVs were the main Battalion Truck of the FDLC from the turn of the millennium to the reveal of the iFruit 2.
- lcambre - Dundreary Meat Wagon
This 70s monster saw plenty of use when someone got stabbed outside a peep show in Star Junction.
- lcemsgw- Schyster Greenwood
Driven by EMS Supervisors during the crack epidemic of the 80s and Early 90s.
- lcemsbrig - Declasse Brigham
An alternate to the Greenwood but with more horsepower under the hood.
- lcemsranch - Declasse Rancher
A brute that followed Ambulances when a dope dealer got shot in South Bohan or Schottler.
- lcemsstan - Vapid Stanier
Driven by EMTs prior to the FDLC merger of the Late 90s.
- lchagw - Schyster Greenwood
Prior to merging with the LCPD, the Liberty City Housing Authority patrolled the hoods of South Bohan, North Holland, and Schottler during the 80s in these surplus LCPD cruisers.
- lcpagw - Schyster Greenwood
Driven by the Liberty City Port Authority during the 80s. This beast had a mean pushbar.
- lcpafr - Canis Seminole Frontier
The LCPA finally got an upgrade in the 90s with this SUV perfect for cruising around the ports.
- lspgw - Schyster Greenwood
The Liberty State Police was happy to auction off this cruiser once the 90s rolled around.
- aspbrig -
The Alderney State Police was driving around with these bad boys in the 80s with the towering Liberty City skyline in their rear-view mirror.
- lcpdtesp - Albany Esperanto
Being a Liberty City Traffic Officer in the 80s and 90s was hard. It was even harder driving outdated surplus LCPD cruisers like the Esperanto.
- lcpdtbri - Declasse Brigham
The best car that the "Traffic Brownies" got to drive. It was sun faded, rusty, and the interior reeked of stale coffee and cigarettes by the 90s.
-kcpdstan -
As a Kingston County Police Officer, nothing says an average day unless you're fighting some rich spray-on fake tan Italian throwing a salted bagel at you in the morning, and then dealing with the Fork Island Icelanders losing and having your Stanier's windshield broken by a hoard of drunk fans in the evening. All while trying to avoid a smaller second Carcer City located in the middle of your county. Nothing can be calm and quiet when you’re next door to Liberty City.
- scpdstan -
Working for Sheffield County PD has its pros and cons. Being in one of the highest paid departments only second to the LSPD, you'll be driving up and down the expressway, dealing with some kid from The Caraways whose dad knows the DA in Port Sowasset on the North Shore, or having fun with the county methheads on the South Shore, at least you'll be in the cruiser’s comfortable seat across from the abandoned nuclear power plant, ignoring everything till your tour is over.
- lctaxichamp -
Mostly driven by psychotic Vietnam Vets in the 70s. The last thing you wanted to do was piss these guys off.
LCPD Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: The_Mookster
LCHA Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage and The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: DukeOfFail, The_Mookster, Bouncyjack
LSP Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage and The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: Bouncyjack
ASP Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, w/, Introvert, GCT, Carface, Dani02
Livery: Bouncyjack
LCPD Tulip:
Model: Rockstar Games and Introvert
Livery: Ciaputek_pl
LCPD Coyote:
Model: Rockstar Games, Dani02, TheF3nt0n
Livery: Ciaputek_pl
LCPA Seminole Frontier:
Model: Rockstar Games, 11john11, and Milo
Livery: Ciaputek_pl and Bouncyjack
LCPA Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Pushbar: Sas994
Livery: Ciaputek_pl and Bouncyjack
FDLC Yosemite:
Model: Thundersmacker, Bob322, 11john11, Hullian111
Livery: DukeOfFail
FDLC Executioner:
Model: Rockstar Games, Thundersmacker, GCT, Carrythxd, TheF3nt0n, Neogeo39
Handling: Eddlm
Livery: DukeOfFail
FDLC Premier:
Model: Rockstar Games and Thundersmacker
Pushbar: Monkeypolice188
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Rancher:
Model: Rockstar Games, _CP_, IVPack Team, Aquamenti
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, w/, Introvert, GCT, Carface, Dani02
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Unmarked Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Dundreary Meat Wagon:
Model: Rockstar Games, RooST4R, w/
Livery: DukeOfFail
Traffic Esperanto:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Lundy
Livery: Frank_Hartigan
Traffic Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, Dani02, GCT, 11john11
Livery: Frank_Hartigan
Kingston County Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Sheffield County Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Champion Cab:
Model: Hangar 13, 2K Czech, Aspyr, Alyxandra Vance, 11john11, Introvert
Livery: DukeOfFail
Voit Turyv - Twinsonic lightbar
w/ - Twinsonic remodeled
Vx5 Voltage, Unopieco, 11john11, Voit Turyv - Aerodynic lightbar
w/ - Aerodynic lightbar remodeled
11john11 - Streethawk lightbar
w/ - Streethawk lightbar emissives
BeastyBill88 - Streethawk lightbar emissives
11john11 - vector lightbar
w/ - vector lightbar emissives
SAS994 - FDLC highriser lightbar
LICENSE PLATES: Retarded_Chicken
Many thanks to everyone involved with this great pack! The pack will be updated from time to time!
Először Feltöltve: 2022. június 20.
Utoljára Feltöltve: 2022. június 20.
Utoljára Letöltött: 27 perce
49 Hozzászólás
After many months of being in development and plenty of delays, one of the most anticipated packs of the year is finally here. Thanks to the talented team of devs that joined forces to make this masterpiece. Without further ado, here is LC Retro.
Liberty City has the richest history of any city in the country. From the counterculture of the 60s to the war on terror of the 2000s, the Rotten Apple has definitely witnessed the highs and lows of American society.
- 20+ Original and Unique Vehicles
- Functional High Risers for the Traffic Brigham and FDLC Executioner
- 1980s-1990s Style License Plates
- Liveries for many vehicles included in this pack and Monkeypolice188's LC Pack
- Sirens meta for Monkeypolice188's LC Pack (Done for accuracy purposes)
- DukeOfFail's Pre-Merger LCEMS and Post-Merger FDLC Paramedic Peds and Retro Ambulance Liveries
The high riser is openable. (It uses the "Bomb Bay", you'll need the Simple Trainer to open it.)
Step 1: Place the "lcretro" folder into mods > update > x64 > dlcpacks
Step 2: Head over to mods > update > update > common > data
Step 3: Edit your dlclist.xml and add "dlcpacks:\lcretro\" at the bottom
That's it! Everything else is included in readme files when downloaded.
- lcpdgw - Schyster Greenwood
Arguably the most common police cruiser of the streets of Liberty City from the 80s to the Early 90s. Every hoodlum in Broker knew to listen out for the creaking brakes of these dilapidated Greenwoods.
- lcpdtulip - Declasse Tulip
A 70s muscle car that rounded up plenty of pimps, heroin junkies, and wiseguys during the age of disco.
- lcpdcoy - Vapid Coyote
A 60s classic offroader that mostly ripped through Middle Park on the taxpayer's dime.
- lcpdumkgw - Schyster Greenwood
This unmarked Greenwood was the last car many a criminal saw in their rear-view mirrors before losing their freedom.... or lives.
- fdlcprem - Declasse Premier
A 90s sedan that was driven by Battalion Chiefs before and after the Y2K scare.
- fdlcyo - Declasse Yosemite
These SUVs saw service throughout the Late 80s to Early 90s before the far superior Granger took their spot.
- fdlcex - Vapid Executioner
These massive gas guzzling SUVs were the main Battalion Truck of the FDLC from the turn of the millennium to the reveal of the iFruit 2.
- lcambre - Dundreary Meat Wagon
This 70s monster saw plenty of use when someone got stabbed outside a peep show in Star Junction.
- lcemsgw- Schyster Greenwood
Driven by EMS Supervisors during the crack epidemic of the 80s and Early 90s.
- lcemsbrig - Declasse Brigham
An alternate to the Greenwood but with more horsepower under the hood.
- lcemsranch - Declasse Rancher
A brute that followed Ambulances when a dope dealer got shot in South Bohan or Schottler.
- lcemsstan - Vapid Stanier
Driven by EMTs prior to the FDLC merger of the Late 90s.
- lchagw - Schyster Greenwood
Prior to merging with the LCPD, the Liberty City Housing Authority patrolled the hoods of South Bohan, North Holland, and Schottler during the 80s in these surplus LCPD cruisers.
- lcpagw - Schyster Greenwood
Driven by the Liberty City Port Authority during the 80s. This beast had a mean pushbar.
- lcpafr - Canis Seminole Frontier
The LCPA finally got an upgrade in the 90s with this SUV perfect for cruising around the ports.
- lspgw - Schyster Greenwood
The Liberty State Police was happy to auction off this cruiser once the 90s rolled around.
- aspbrig -
The Alderney State Police was driving around with these bad boys in the 80s with the towering Liberty City skyline in their rear-view mirror.
- lcpdtesp - Albany Esperanto
Being a Liberty City Traffic Officer in the 80s and 90s was hard. It was even harder driving outdated surplus LCPD cruisers like the Esperanto.
- lcpdtbri - Declasse Brigham
The best car that the "Traffic Brownies" got to drive. It was sun faded, rusty, and the interior reeked of stale coffee and cigarettes by the 90s.
-kcpdstan -
As a Kingston County Police Officer, nothing says an average day unless you're fighting some rich spray-on fake tan Italian throwing a salted bagel at you in the morning, and then dealing with the Fork Island Icelanders losing and having your Stanier's windshield broken by a hoard of drunk fans in the evening. All while trying to avoid a smaller second Carcer City located in the middle of your county. Nothing can be calm and quiet when you’re next door to Liberty City.
- scpdstan -
Working for Sheffield County PD has its pros and cons. Being in one of the highest paid departments only second to the LSPD, you'll be driving up and down the expressway, dealing with some kid from The Caraways whose dad knows the DA in Port Sowasset on the North Shore, or having fun with the county methheads on the South Shore, at least you'll be in the cruiser’s comfortable seat across from the abandoned nuclear power plant, ignoring everything till your tour is over.
- lctaxichamp -
Mostly driven by psychotic Vietnam Vets in the 70s. The last thing you wanted to do was piss these guys off.
LCPD Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: The_Mookster
LCHA Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage and The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: DukeOfFail, The_Mookster, Bouncyjack
LSP Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage and The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: Bouncyjack
ASP Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, w/, Introvert, GCT, Carface, Dani02
Livery: Bouncyjack
LCPD Tulip:
Model: Rockstar Games and Introvert
Livery: Ciaputek_pl
LCPD Coyote:
Model: Rockstar Games, Dani02, TheF3nt0n
Livery: Ciaputek_pl
LCPA Seminole Frontier:
Model: Rockstar Games, 11john11, and Milo
Livery: Ciaputek_pl and Bouncyjack
LCPA Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Pushbar: Sas994
Livery: Ciaputek_pl and Bouncyjack
FDLC Yosemite:
Model: Thundersmacker, Bob322, 11john11, Hullian111
Livery: DukeOfFail
FDLC Executioner:
Model: Rockstar Games, Thundersmacker, GCT, Carrythxd, TheF3nt0n, Neogeo39
Handling: Eddlm
Livery: DukeOfFail
FDLC Premier:
Model: Rockstar Games and Thundersmacker
Pushbar: Monkeypolice188
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Rancher:
Model: Rockstar Games, _CP_, IVPack Team, Aquamenti
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, w/, Introvert, GCT, Carface, Dani02
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Unmarked Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Dundreary Meat Wagon:
Model: Rockstar Games, RooST4R, w/
Livery: DukeOfFail
Traffic Esperanto:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Lundy
Livery: Frank_Hartigan
Traffic Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, Dani02, GCT, 11john11
Livery: Frank_Hartigan
Kingston County Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Sheffield County Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Champion Cab:
Model: Hangar 13, 2K Czech, Aspyr, Alyxandra Vance, 11john11, Introvert
Livery: DukeOfFail
Voit Turyv - Twinsonic lightbar
w/ - Twinsonic remodeled
Vx5 Voltage, Unopieco, 11john11, Voit Turyv - Aerodynic lightbar
w/ - Aerodynic lightbar remodeled
11john11 - Streethawk lightbar
w/ - Streethawk lightbar emissives
BeastyBill88 - Streethawk lightbar emissives
11john11 - vector lightbar
w/ - vector lightbar emissives
SAS994 - FDLC highriser lightbar
LICENSE PLATES: Retarded_Chicken
Many thanks to everyone involved with this great pack! The pack will be updated from time to time!
Liberty City has the richest history of any city in the country. From the counterculture of the 60s to the war on terror of the 2000s, the Rotten Apple has definitely witnessed the highs and lows of American society.
- 20+ Original and Unique Vehicles
- Functional High Risers for the Traffic Brigham and FDLC Executioner
- 1980s-1990s Style License Plates
- Liveries for many vehicles included in this pack and Monkeypolice188's LC Pack
- Sirens meta for Monkeypolice188's LC Pack (Done for accuracy purposes)
- DukeOfFail's Pre-Merger LCEMS and Post-Merger FDLC Paramedic Peds and Retro Ambulance Liveries
The high riser is openable. (It uses the "Bomb Bay", you'll need the Simple Trainer to open it.)
Step 1: Place the "lcretro" folder into mods > update > x64 > dlcpacks
Step 2: Head over to mods > update > update > common > data
Step 3: Edit your dlclist.xml and add "dlcpacks:\lcretro\" at the bottom
That's it! Everything else is included in readme files when downloaded.
- lcpdgw - Schyster Greenwood
Arguably the most common police cruiser of the streets of Liberty City from the 80s to the Early 90s. Every hoodlum in Broker knew to listen out for the creaking brakes of these dilapidated Greenwoods.
- lcpdtulip - Declasse Tulip
A 70s muscle car that rounded up plenty of pimps, heroin junkies, and wiseguys during the age of disco.
- lcpdcoy - Vapid Coyote
A 60s classic offroader that mostly ripped through Middle Park on the taxpayer's dime.
- lcpdumkgw - Schyster Greenwood
This unmarked Greenwood was the last car many a criminal saw in their rear-view mirrors before losing their freedom.... or lives.
- fdlcprem - Declasse Premier
A 90s sedan that was driven by Battalion Chiefs before and after the Y2K scare.
- fdlcyo - Declasse Yosemite
These SUVs saw service throughout the Late 80s to Early 90s before the far superior Granger took their spot.
- fdlcex - Vapid Executioner
These massive gas guzzling SUVs were the main Battalion Truck of the FDLC from the turn of the millennium to the reveal of the iFruit 2.
- lcambre - Dundreary Meat Wagon
This 70s monster saw plenty of use when someone got stabbed outside a peep show in Star Junction.
- lcemsgw- Schyster Greenwood
Driven by EMS Supervisors during the crack epidemic of the 80s and Early 90s.
- lcemsbrig - Declasse Brigham
An alternate to the Greenwood but with more horsepower under the hood.
- lcemsranch - Declasse Rancher
A brute that followed Ambulances when a dope dealer got shot in South Bohan or Schottler.
- lcemsstan - Vapid Stanier
Driven by EMTs prior to the FDLC merger of the Late 90s.
- lchagw - Schyster Greenwood
Prior to merging with the LCPD, the Liberty City Housing Authority patrolled the hoods of South Bohan, North Holland, and Schottler during the 80s in these surplus LCPD cruisers.
- lcpagw - Schyster Greenwood
Driven by the Liberty City Port Authority during the 80s. This beast had a mean pushbar.
- lcpafr - Canis Seminole Frontier
The LCPA finally got an upgrade in the 90s with this SUV perfect for cruising around the ports.
- lspgw - Schyster Greenwood
The Liberty State Police was happy to auction off this cruiser once the 90s rolled around.
- aspbrig -
The Alderney State Police was driving around with these bad boys in the 80s with the towering Liberty City skyline in their rear-view mirror.
- lcpdtesp - Albany Esperanto
Being a Liberty City Traffic Officer in the 80s and 90s was hard. It was even harder driving outdated surplus LCPD cruisers like the Esperanto.
- lcpdtbri - Declasse Brigham
The best car that the "Traffic Brownies" got to drive. It was sun faded, rusty, and the interior reeked of stale coffee and cigarettes by the 90s.
-kcpdstan -
As a Kingston County Police Officer, nothing says an average day unless you're fighting some rich spray-on fake tan Italian throwing a salted bagel at you in the morning, and then dealing with the Fork Island Icelanders losing and having your Stanier's windshield broken by a hoard of drunk fans in the evening. All while trying to avoid a smaller second Carcer City located in the middle of your county. Nothing can be calm and quiet when you’re next door to Liberty City.
- scpdstan -
Working for Sheffield County PD has its pros and cons. Being in one of the highest paid departments only second to the LSPD, you'll be driving up and down the expressway, dealing with some kid from The Caraways whose dad knows the DA in Port Sowasset on the North Shore, or having fun with the county methheads on the South Shore, at least you'll be in the cruiser’s comfortable seat across from the abandoned nuclear power plant, ignoring everything till your tour is over.
- lctaxichamp -
Mostly driven by psychotic Vietnam Vets in the 70s. The last thing you wanted to do was piss these guys off.
LCPD Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: The_Mookster
LCHA Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage and The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: DukeOfFail, The_Mookster, Bouncyjack
LSP Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage and The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Livery: Bouncyjack
ASP Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, w/, Introvert, GCT, Carface, Dani02
Livery: Bouncyjack
LCPD Tulip:
Model: Rockstar Games and Introvert
Livery: Ciaputek_pl
LCPD Coyote:
Model: Rockstar Games, Dani02, TheF3nt0n
Livery: Ciaputek_pl
LCPA Seminole Frontier:
Model: Rockstar Games, 11john11, and Milo
Livery: Ciaputek_pl and Bouncyjack
LCPA Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Pushbar: Sas994
Livery: Ciaputek_pl and Bouncyjack
FDLC Yosemite:
Model: Thundersmacker, Bob322, 11john11, Hullian111
Livery: DukeOfFail
FDLC Executioner:
Model: Rockstar Games, Thundersmacker, GCT, Carrythxd, TheF3nt0n, Neogeo39
Handling: Eddlm
Livery: DukeOfFail
FDLC Premier:
Model: Rockstar Games and Thundersmacker
Pushbar: Monkeypolice188
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Rancher:
Model: Rockstar Games, _CP_, IVPack Team, Aquamenti
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, w/, Introvert, GCT, Carface, Dani02
Livery: DukeOfFail
LCEMS Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Unmarked Greenwood:
Engine: M4K3
Model: Rockstar Games, GCT, Introvert, The_Mookster
Interior Textures: Vx5 Voltage, The_Mookster
Spotlights: Dusty Flop
Dundreary Meat Wagon:
Model: Rockstar Games, RooST4R, w/
Livery: DukeOfFail
Traffic Esperanto:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Lundy
Livery: Frank_Hartigan
Traffic Brigham:
Model: Rockstar Games, Dani02, GCT, 11john11
Livery: Frank_Hartigan
Kingston County Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Sheffield County Stanier:
Model: Rockstar Games, Monkeypolice188, Neogeo39
Livery: DukeOfFail
Champion Cab:
Model: Hangar 13, 2K Czech, Aspyr, Alyxandra Vance, 11john11, Introvert
Livery: DukeOfFail
Voit Turyv - Twinsonic lightbar
w/ - Twinsonic remodeled
Vx5 Voltage, Unopieco, 11john11, Voit Turyv - Aerodynic lightbar
w/ - Aerodynic lightbar remodeled
11john11 - Streethawk lightbar
w/ - Streethawk lightbar emissives
BeastyBill88 - Streethawk lightbar emissives
11john11 - vector lightbar
w/ - vector lightbar emissives
SAS994 - FDLC highriser lightbar
LICENSE PLATES: Retarded_Chicken
Many thanks to everyone involved with this great pack! The pack will be updated from time to time!
Először Feltöltve: 2022. június 20.
Utoljára Feltöltve: 2022. június 20.
Utoljára Letöltött: 27 perce
@ABluePhoenix Yes. Reach me at JackTheModder #1986
@Bouncyjack bro i just can't stop looking at that picture of that old dundreary ambulance that's how beautiful it is and i'm really excited for the LS version of it when its finished.
Excellent work, these looks great! Also, is that FDLC tower ladder available anywhere....? ;)
@mtloya Yes. It’s from the LC Pack
@Bouncyjack Thanks!
@mtloya No problem!
@Bouncyjack hay there jack did you decide to release your dundreary ambulance or not? i was really hoping for the L.S ambulance service version of this ambulance as a separate download to replace the default ambulance.
@royrogers I’m sorry friend but I’m afraid it’s a pack exclusive
@Bouncyjack oh i was hoping you would release as a separate download too:(
@royrogers Also, you gotta realize most of us have full time jobs or other obligations that get in the way of modding, and can't always wave a wand and have things done. Just have some patience and sooner or later it will come out.
@DukeOfFail oh ok.
Wowzers bro, nice work. I love that your communicating with your fans. What are you handles, I got some ideas for your next mods. Do you do GTA IV mods?
@GameBreaker20XX You can find me on Discord at JackTheModder #1986. I do mod GTA IV and what ideas do you have in mind for modding?
@Bouncyjack well as for GTA 5... You know what, I'll hit you up on discord the vehicles I have in mind have never been done before so we (your fans) need your full attention. I mean no insults
Hello Jack, I don't want to stress you (so do as many as you want), but I would like to see [**All Versions **of] the following vehicles as Add-ons/Replacements (Add-ons would be much better) to our great game.
1. Gawalek A36 (Saints Row)
2. AB Destroyer (Saints Row)
3. Condor (Saints Row)
4. F69 VTOL (Saints Row)
5. N-forcer (Saints Row)
6. Nyte Blayde (Saints Row)
7. Peacemaker (Saints Row)
8. Ultor Interceptor (Saints Row)
9. Bald Eagle Persuader (Just Cause 1)
10. Sable International Hoverjet (Marvel's Spider-Man)
11. Sable International Aircraft Carrier [Map or Vehicle Mod] (Marvel's Spider-Man)
12. Global Motors Sonarus LX (Watchdogs)
13. Cupra Urban Rebel (Real life)
14. Spark Racing Tech Odessey 21 (Real life)
15. CCM Blackout (Real life)
16. Harley-Davidson Livewire (Real life)
17. X-Jet (X-Men: Dark Phoenix)
18. Space Dynamics Landmaster (Star fox)
19. Space Dynamics Arwing
20. Space Dynamics Blue-Marine [This is a Submarine] (Star fox)
21. Harley-Davidson Street 750 (Real life)
22. Quinjet Avengers Variant (MCU)
23. An add-on ped of me (GameBreaker20XX)
24. FGM-148 Javelin [Weapon] (Real life)
*As mentioned before, this is a pick and choose. I am not demanding you do all
*If a particular vehicle like the F69 for example has more than 1 version, the others could be liveries to reduce stress. These vehicles can bring about a fountain of other vehicle Mods from these sources.
*extra viewpoints for No. 10:
*For No.10 Use Blitzwinger (YouTube) playthrough of Marvel's Spider-Man Silver Lining to see it in action
*No.16 is a full electric moyotcycle
*If you want to do No. 23 just request the views of the parts of the body you need snapped
*For all vehicles, I would like this format:
Year (where applicable), Manufacturer,Name of Vehicle
2019 Chevrolet Camaro
Ford Mustang, etc
if you can't get the manufacturer, let me give you one like the quinjet for example
*The vehicles can be tunable, if you want
*If you know how to do voice files for the GameBreaker20XX ped, I would love to get you some samples.
*No.24 needs to have a special FPView to so it locking on to targets, use CODMW3 footage to see it in action
Questions, reply me on Discord or send me an email at (don't ask about the address name)
I'll send a copy of this on your discord.
@Bouncyjack Is this an updated version of Monkey's LC pack? Does it include everything from his plus additional stuff and does it also work with other add on cars fine unlike his?
@TheRuler666 This is not an updated version of his pack and does not include anything from it. This is a retro vehicle and ped pack unrelated to his. This pack does however include liveries that can fit his vehicles. As for working with other cars, I’m not sure.
@Bouncyjack port authority police car causes immediate crash of the game when it explodes.... but yeah cool pack
also mem alloc error is still here
What does it mean if I have the pack in my mod folder and the line in my dlclist but nothing is showing up ingame? Like it's not even installed.
Are there templates for these by chance?