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why every new ReShade preset coming out there must have the Word "Vision"?
Tout ce que je vois là-dedans, c'est du Méga sharpen.
Of course it looks better on images on the left... cause it's real life.
I deleted my album on imgur, comments are too childish... here it is on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/141964804@N06/albums
Hi Xilandro! Don't you think it's time to get back to work and finish this mod? Just forget the tons of useless options! I'm waiting for R*hancer to come out since december... You see I'm just tired of waiting all the time. Four years I'm waiting for this game : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=french&id=92985806
Almost one year I was waiting for freaking Toddyhancer mod which will never be released. So you know what? I made it myself! It's 99,9% the same. Please have a look: http://imgur.com/gallery/SbWVb
My next goal is to recreate Toddystuff in GTAV. I hope this will motivate U... at least a little. Regards, Mâva
Could you add a little more screenshots?
Get well, get well soon! Damn those mods, those enhancers, ReShade, ENB, SweetFX, etc... Life was simpler before, now I can't play without mods anymore. This virus started with Crysis, then GTA4, and now I'm waiting for Rhancer which sadly burn you alive. Take care.
That's very interesting, thanks. You must be a photographer.
I guess it's kind of tricky to mimic some photos. Some are too washed-out, other with too much contrast, etc. And what about videos? Like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjQW4sluZDc
Shadows are too black in the vid ;)
Really like these screens: http://imgur.com/a/oVr0x
There's a visualV vibe into it.