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![Infernus V [SP] Infernus V [SP]](https://img.gta5-mods.com/q75-w500-h333-cfill/images/axel-menu/6be385-20160713155233_1.jpg)
- Trainer
- Asi
18 000
By AxelDV
Good work bro :)
Axel trainer 0.2.4 is totally compatible with the new patch 1.0.1365.1. It is not necessary to update, but maybe next week update the menu
@alex20121981 yes maybe in the next update.. the problem is i do not have gamepad Therefore i cant test if the implementation is correct
@HvyMetal55 thanks for report already fixed
@ikt Yes but all code of add on spawner, gears and menu base its made by you and always help me, i do not have problem to add you to authors :)
@FeiJI Yes is interesting but i am basically programmer i dont know how made this type of scripts. but @ikt help me to made my mod menu maybe he can help you :D
@FeiJI Hi you have discord?
@muim @kawarider Yeah what is the problem?
New version are pending of aproval Thanks to all for the 26k downloads I never imagined that this reach more than 20k downloads, Thanks for all good comments and Happy holidays my friends ;)
@birgz The speed boost works with numpad 9 and numpad 3, you apply the settings in the vehicle modifiers? under the modifiers have a button with name "Apply Settings"
@blinkt Test in spawn by name if the vehicle dont spawn the problem are in your game
@remembrance Nope the ctrl+u only upgrade the vehicle to max upgrades if you wish to modify something go to lsc section on the mod menu