
IV Style Exit Vehicle [.Net Optimized] 3.3.3

3 126

Features and bugs
This mod allows you to let the engine of your vehicle running when leaving the vehicle, but if you hold you vehicle exit key the engine stops.

Installation instructions
First of all make sure that you have Scripthook V[.Net] installed, then put the IVExitStyle.cs file from the zip archive into your scripts folder(create one if you dont have one). Now launch the game and enjoy!

All Credits go to:

Driver for the original mod
ikt for the .Net version

Removed "veh" variable.
Updated script to optimize performance

Fixed inconsistencies with the original LUA script.
Thanks, Remix, for pointing these out.

This mod is just a optimized version of the ikt version!
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Először Feltöltve: 2023. július 8.
Utoljára Feltöltve: 2023. augusztus 13.
Utoljára Letöltött: 3 órája

All Versions

 3.3.3 (current)

2 767 letöltés
2023. július 16.

16 Hozzászólás