
BetterBrighterEmergencyLights [Recommended for LSPDFR] 1.1

8a5a6c betterbrighteremergencylights(1)
8a5a6c betterbrighteremergencylights(2)
8a5a6c betterbrighteremergencylights(3)

7 422

This is BetterBrighterEmergencyLights by MarcellA aka Marcell003.
Are you also tired of boring weak lights on your police cars?
My name is Marcell and I can help you with BetterBrighterEmergencyLights with this script you can get realistic and cool looking lights!
Everything is easy to install and user friendly. Make sure that you have "OpenIV" installed on your PC, you probably already have it if you have LSPDFR intalled. And yes this also works without LSPDFR but it is made for LSPDFR.
I'm a big fan of LSPDFR and I decided to make it just a little better with BetterBrighterEmergencyLights. So here you go! Enjoy.

Link for OpenIV: http://openiv.com/
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Először Feltöltve: 2018. augusztus 3.
Utoljára Feltöltve: 2018. augusztus 4.
Utoljára Letöltött: 4 órája

All Versions


273 letöltés , 900 KB
2018. augusztus 3.

 1.1 (current)

7 150 letöltés , 900 KB
2018. augusztus 3.

9 Hozzászólás