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18 feltöltés
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15 860 letöltés
重新開放下載,原車輛模組請用我在Description內提供的,不要用在Read Me裡面的
Downloads are reopened. Please use the original vehicle mod I provided in the Description. Do not use the one in Read Me.
@264566 您好,後來稍微查了一下,只要把787的那個塗裝名稱從 qw787_sign_7 改成 qw787_sign_8 即可
@264566 787的原模組有更新,我之後會再更新一次
@dinochen11 Sorry, I can't do it, because I didn't have the 3d models, and I also can't convert 3d model to gta v
The player form the Taiwan gives you 5 stars rates :)
Download is not available now, the original author has removed the mod
最新版本 The latest version of this livery:
The original mod has been updated, and some cars may not have livery, which is normal.
The original mod has been updated, and some cars may not have livery, which is normal.
@Bashar_shareef Ok, Yhank you very much