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@dirtydanisreal I am sorry but to make the mod easier to program it made it feel unrealistic, don't think I can make it better without completely redoing the logic of the mod :/
1.1c VERSION CHANGELOG : added one more randomly spawning event - an attack by a gang in car. This gang in car should follow you and try to kill you. It does not work perfectly but it should at least somehow kinda work. ;)
@tall70 hey, yea I am from CZ xD. Few ppl already asked for smth like an option file to set some things like spawnrate. I am thinking about doing smth like that, but I do not really know how to do it, I would have search the internet or some other mods codes. Also know I aim for adding more content and so. Yea the spawning looks weird, now I spawn everyone at premade postions ( player position + Vector3 ) - sometimes the player is looking in the direction of spawn, sometimes he doesnt. Not sure if I am able to spawn them only when player aint watching. But got it on my list of stuff to consider.
@amitpaul911 sorry was not working on the mod last week because I had important stuff to do, but I should have more time now. Can you give some examples how this superhero stuff would work? I have an idea of reputation - if you kill ppl your reputation will be lower and ppl would see you and call you a bad guy or so. Also the problem is all I can do is what premade functions allready can do - so there is a limit of things I can put in the mod.
1.1b VERSION CHANGELOG : gangsters now should despawn when they die ( the cleaning function is called every 60 seconds ) and also when the play dies. This should repair a bug, where after some time of playing the mod gangsters stopped spawning ( probably because the maximum of types of peds was reached in game ). Hopefully more interesting updates and new stuff coming soon! :>
@amitpaul911 aight, I was actually thinking about something similar with the cops, you know, make the crime stronger and also the cops stronger, will see, thnx ofr ideas, it sound pretty good, about that super strong villain - was thinking about making a small mod whch would spawn smth like an alien with the railgun and would attack ppl :D not sure if gonna make it or not but I had this one in my mind
@amitpaul911 sure gimme ur ideas - the problem is not in ideas, my moding skills limit me to do something huger, also now I do not have that much time, will ahve more time at the end of this month, but yea gimme your ideas so I can at least think about it :)
@amitpaul911 I got some ideas of the same kind ( a realistic world of crimes or thieves ), not sure what can I do cause still kidna new to all this modding. Also now I am trying fix a gamebraeking bug which kinda wants me to rewrite most of the code. :/ :D Thnx for ideas
1.1a VERSION CHANGELOG : lonely attackers have now less chance of having a weapon, fist fights have now a lot higher chance od spawning ( so there should be less of huge gang wars and more smaller fights ), Gangsters in gang wars now spawn in a bit more random positions ( not in one line as it was ). Also now the mod spawns more types of peds. Video that will show introduce the mod and more pictures coming soon. :) Enjoy!
@stillhere hm it says that in the "main" function of my code we try to enter a variable that has not been set I think. Have not seen this error yet personally, I would reccomend you to run the mod 1st without any other mods ( only with Scripthook and ScripthookDotNet ), if it does not work then reinstall all 3 mods. Will try to think about some reasons why does this error happen, but how I said, I see this error for 1st time. Anyway, good luck!