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    Adding to my last post about the motorcycles not working I'd imagine if you dropped in a script like this it would stop the peds from trying to put the helmet on. Ik this is for the player character but I have little to no idea on how scripts are written.

    Citizen.CreateThread( function()
    while true do
    local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
    local playerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(playerPed)

    if gPlayerVeh ~= 0 then RemovePedHelmet(playerPed,true) end

    2024. szeptember 25.
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    I'm thinking there needs to be a script to prevent gang members from wearing motorcycle helmets because they never ride the motorcycles they just park and don't move and I think it's because they'll spawn and immediately stop to put a helmet on but then just sit there. Would love to run a motorcycle gang with this mod.

    2024. szeptember 23.
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    The mod is working good. How do I get it to reload and spawn in things I buy i.e. the yacht?

    2024. január 16.