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О, я как раз АДДОН-версию искал.
«Додж Чарджер» умеет так яростно наваливать?! Я схожую тачку в предельной прокачке (классический «Гаунтлет») разгонял разве что до до 235 км/ч с модом на реалистичную физику «Drive V».
But is the 540 KMH some kind of a game limitation? Because it's seems to be hard-limited whether by the the game or by the mod once you try to drive faster.
Incredible work. AI drivers only sometimes start to act terribly stupid, but these are minor things.
But, oddly enough, blips are disabled once "MPMaps=1" is set. That is, when the MP map is loaded automatically.
Great trainer, I’ve been using it since it's been fresh for GTA 4. But I have quite a little problem... wherever I put "Garageblips=0" (without quotes, of course) after "[Defaults]" and before "[BodyGuards]" sections in order to disable those green blips when MP map is enabled, it just doesn't seem to work, as the blips are still there. I enable MP maps manually through the Teleport options. It's not that these blips are a crucial issue, but it's a bit of annoyance.
Definitely this is the feature that GTA V had been missing.
Special thanks for GTAO scripts.
Some time ago I made the same thing for my Date Display mod as a third-part script. You can check it out, except I reassigned the whole date for two cases - for both "Prologue" mission and "Franklin & Lamar" mission in case when the date is not reassigned originally, that is the very beginning of the new game. The former is set from NOV-15-2003 to JAN-02-2004 (according to decorations in the bank it's supposed to be the time somewhere about Christmas) and the latter is set from JUN-06-2009 to NOV-07-2013 (with the usual walkthrough speed you visit North Yankton in the "Bury the Hatchet" mission within a month, that is about December, when it snows).
@Kevin_99 @toitoine66 look for ver. 2.10.5, it was released yesterday.
I have this problem solved.