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this mod is the fucking shit i have one question though. is there any way to disable the spinning target reticle as thats the only thing bugging me sorry to even ask as im not complaning at all. thanks by the way
I think he is messing with ya I have two installs one for mods and one for online and both were forced to update before playing this morning. Tried offline mode, force closing the update, and basically if you are going to play your going to have to update. Have him screenshot a shot of gta minimized with script hook running in a small window and date and time in another. As I can tell there is no way of fixing this. If I'm wrong I'd love to see picture and I'll retract said statment.
and now im back to modding fallout 4. been a huge fall out fan but finding this one hard to get into played 100 hours since launch. dammit i miss gta allready.
its not going to work because script hook is made for the old version and this is new. just pray that alex is reading these comments and taking pitty on those of us who are outside looking in and fixes it soon.
ABiddle0610 agreed.
dang just got so many cool mods installed last night. should have left gta running in the background and never logged out last night. blows....
@Nikki_Putin if it is a norinco it's still an AK 47. Norinco is a Chinese manufactured rpk styled 1.5mm heavy receiver with a heavy diameter barrel for longer sustained fire. Most AK varients feature a 1 mm stamped receiver. Norinco makes some of the best AK 47 but are no longer importable since the Clinton administration ban. (The company was selling rocket launchers, full auto weapons and even a tank to street gangs in California)
Dude I ducking love all your mods it's as if they complete me somehow.....
This mod is so awesome with slow motion and full auto shotgun. Also the road rash one is great as well with it.
Odd question here. First off I own a legit copy of the game. Second for some reason after running open iv I can't drag files to replace in game files. Only with this mod. Have two other car replaces that worked fine. I have to mess around with it more after work bUT any idea, suggestions would be great. Thanks guys.