
Personal Dog 4.5


49 902


- Leash / Unleash dog any time;
- Order to kill/catch/startle any target;
- Ride dog in any vehicle (except bikes);
- Buy dog and place dog's kennels in any way you like;
- Interact with your dog (Order your dog to: go to any point insight, bark, sit, beg, paw, wait, go)
- Highlight all detected animals in area (Helpful with any hunting mods);


-GTA V v1.0.877.1 to 1.0.1290.1 or higher (Probably old versions will work too,i didnt tested it yet);
-Latest ScriptHookV;
-ScriptHookVDotNet3 or higher;
-NAudio.dll(Included in arhive);


Now you can have Dog everywhere even on the missions!

How to install

-Drop MyDog folder and all Files in your "GTAV/Scripts/" folder!


If you purchased the dog and picked your dog from kennel:
-Hold "Radar ZoomOut" button (Check it in Pasue > settings > key bindings > and see wich key it is for you (Radar ZoomOut = "Z" by default) to open menu,then the hint will pop-up. Just follow the instructions in right bottom corner of your screen;

Fast action button (ZoomOut radar by default):

Dog is in car:
- Pressing button 3 times will make dog leave current vehicle;
Dog and Player are on foot:
- Pressing button 3 times will open attack menu and slow time down;
Dog is hunting choosen target:
- Pressing button 3 times will make dog to come back to your and give up on target;



-Added option to turn on/off Characters speech (except Whistle sound);
-Improved ragdoll on collision system while carrying the dog (now character will be less clumsy and fall more rarely);
-Improved Get in car dog system (No it will get in car more easly, just carry it closer to the front passenger seat);


-Added "Mark and Kill Targeted Ped" Dog ability;
---Hold PhoneCancel button until crosshair will appear (dont aim with your gun, just hold PhoneCancel), then Press PhoneSelect button to Mark ped as target and Press PhoneUp to Order Dog attack him!
(Notice!!! The dog has to be not too far from ped to perform attack)


-Improved Car detection system (Previously some users had troubles with getting dog in vehicle, so now you have to come to passengers seat and look at it to make dog sit in there (The Hint will show up as and when));


-Added possobility to sit dog in Rear Passenger Side(right) seat;


-Added possobility to choose Dog Breed in .ini file
(just replace some number, like "1318032802" for Husky, or other number for other dog that i've wrote in .ini file, in TrevorsPet line for Trevors Dog, in MichaelsPet line for Michaels Dog and so on)


-Fixed bug wich prevented dog from sitting in vehicle after Sit order and Carry dog;


-Added Option to Call Dog (Hold PhoneCancel and Press PhoneRight);
-Now Rottweilers,Chop and other dogs have their own barking voice and animation;
-Fixed vehicle detection issue (Now pets can get in any vehicle without any problems);


-Changed control maps;
-Added possobility to get in vehicle from every door(except drivers,dog can only leave through drivers seat);
-Improved vehicle detection and Dogs hop in system;
-Fixed some hint bugs;
---New Controlls:
-----Hold "PhoneLeft" button to open bassic commands menu;
-----Hold "PhoneRight" button to open attack commands menu(Mark/Unmark and Attack);
-----Hold "PhoneCancel" button near the vehicle to open "Sit in vehicle" menu;
FL = Front Left Seat(Drivers seat,however dog can only exit through it);(PhoneUp)
FR = Front Right Seat(Front passengers seat);(PhoneRight)
RL = Rear Left Seat;(PhoneLeft)
RR = Rear Right Seat;(PhoneDown)


- Fixed bug that prevented some speeches from disabling;
- Fixed bug that prevented MP character to carry the dog;


--Fixed bug wich made dog exit rear left door instead of front left door while playing MP character;


-Improved vehicle seat system;
Now if car has only 2 seats the script will detect it and menu will only show 2 options, if car has more then 4 seats the more options will be displayed.
If front seat is occupied the system will display a notification and you wont be able to sit dog there, else if you're trying to let the dog hop in any rear door and there are at least one free seat,the dog will occupie any free seat,but if there are no rear seats are free, the notification will pop up.


-Added option to "Scare target" in Attacke menu;
-Improved "Attack" system;
-Markers now have limmited distance;


-Reuploaded right version;


- Improved "Pat" and "Carry" Dog menu. Now the menu will only apears when you are near dog and look at him/her,so it wouldnt interfere with other controls;
- Now if character is dead the dog will dissapear until you will summon it again;
- If dog exists in the world and you Hold "PhoneLeft" and then press "PhoneUp"(Dog Spawn button) it will
teleport to your nearest location;
- Improved dog sitting system;
- Some more optimization;


- Added possobility to make your Pet invincible in .ini file (set "INVINCIBILITY" to true)


-the sit in vehicle menu wont pop up near bike anymore;


-Fixed MP characters bug wich made dog sit all the time;
-Improved ragdoll systemm while carrying the dog (Now character should move with certain speed to fall randomly);


-Added "Let Dog Go" function;(If dog is sitting and you will press PhoneDown button again(Hint will change) character will let the dog go;
-Now the dog will attack at much longer range!;
-Improved "Scare" function;


-Added customization controls in .ini file;
-Fixed bug wich let you to mark your own dog;
-"Scare" function fixed(Now ped will flee from dog);
-"Attack" function fixed(Now peds will flee from dog);


-Added animation for Van vehicle class enter from back doors;


-Improved exit van animation;
-Fixed "flee glitchy animation if you marked animal;
-Now you can summon dog back (teleport if it exists in the world) even if dog was sitting in a car;


-Fixed some issue that caused script crash on character switch with trainers;
-Now pet can enter boats ,heli and planes (no animation yet);
-Fixed van animation enter;


-"Let go" function was separated from dog waiting status(now its different key);
S-Summon dog; W-Order to Wait; C-Call dog to you; L- Let do go;


-Replaced regular hints with custom icons;
-Fixed issues related with script perfomance;


-Fixed script crash after marking target (Added "target" icon in folder,so replace folder or add this icon to yours folder);


Note: replace .ini and MyDog folder

-Script optimization;
-Improved hint system;
-Improved attack system(Now the potential target will have white market above their heads,to confirm target just press "mark" button);
-Added confirm target sound effect;
-Improved "Attack system" (Now ped wont run away before dog will chase him and if target is too far away, the target will stumble, so the dog could easly catch up with target);
-Improved "Scare system";


-Fixed two door cars help text issue;


-improved sitting animation in vehicle(Now dog wont be sit just like some kind of statue);
-improved waiting animation(The dog will lay down if you press "Wait" button and will stretch oneself with anim when you press "Wait" button again;


-Improved "Scare" function.Now You can "Attack" target to make pet kill it or "Scare" it.The pet will catch him and will keep target alive and on the ground until you "Call" him back;


-Increased chance of staying alive ped while trying to catch him;


-Added dog variation (texture) customization in .ini file for each character;
-Increased target distance disappearance;
-Added auto-detection of your dog near-by function(Now you can reaload your scripts without recalling dog after);
-Improved attacking functions:
1."Kill" target;
2."Catch" target and take him down to the ground;
3.Make target flee from dog;


-Added "quick exit" from vehicle with animation if character is sitting in vehicle (Hold "Vehicle_menu_button" and press "horn" button by default;
-Fixed Michaeles dog customization issue;
-Fixed some othe bugs;


-Fixed crashed script issue;
-Added "sniff" idle animation when dog is not moving for certain period of time;


-Improved "catch" system;
-Improved "markering" system (If command "kill" is active, then marker will be red,if command "catch" is active, then marker will blue,else marker will be yellow);
-Fixed some issues with sniff idle animation;


-Added dynamical leash(dog lead) function (Just come close to dog and look at it,then hint will show up);
-Added leash max-length customization in .ini file;
-Added function to wind / unwind leash;


-fixed "catch" function with rottweiler dog type;
-fixed critical error that caused script crash;
-fixed cutscene bug with leash;


-Fixed getting dog out of vehicle collision issue;
-Fixed Franklins pet detection issue (replace .ini);
-Improved rope position in hands;
-Added unimation for winding/inwinding rope;


-Trevors pet is now warping to trever, when winding back the leash;
-Dog gallop spint style fixed;


-Added specific camera for some dog actions;


Replace MyDog folder as well an .ini file!

-Totally reworked control system (Now you control whole script with 2 buttons);
-Simplifed dog enter/exit vehicle function(check video);
-Devided two menu on one button (Basic control / Attack actions);
-Script optimization;


-Fixed leash issue;
-Fixed script crash issue after patting or leashing dog;


-Improved dog enter/exit vehicle system;
-Unlocked vehicle menu type for dog quickly enter vehicle character is looking at;


-Improved dog interaction function (Get close to dog and look at him for few seconds untill interaction menu show up);
-Added dog interaction options : Bark, Beg, Paw, Sit;
-Improved camera effects;


-Fixed hint for 2 doors car;


Replace all files

-Totally reworked dog system:
1.You need to Bye dog now(Yellow Bone Blip on map named "Animal Ark".
2.You can customize specific prize for each breed;
3.You can choose in shop breed and color of your dog now;
4.As you own a dog, the Yellow Kenel Blip will apear on the map,thats the place where your dog will be spawned after game exit or if dog dissapear;
5.You can change any kennel location and position for each character;
6.If dog will Die, you will have to bye another one;

-Improved dog interaction function (Removed lock on camera);


-Fixed Vehicle menu issues;
-Fixed no money withdraw after buying dog bug;
-Added auto-close door when dog is getting in;


-Fixed some script crashing issue while loading game;
-Added planes and helicopters support;


Delete MyDog old version, now MyDog.dll is called MyDogSH3.dll and replace MyDog.ini file!

-Script has been rewritten for ScriptHookVDotnet 3.0;
-Fixed Kennels coords issue in .ini file (Not you can change coords of Kennel in .ini file);
-Added possibility to change keycodes in .ini file (You can find keycodes in [CONTROLS_VARIATIONS] section);

Replace all files required

- Fixed some commands issues;
- Changed control system (require to push buttons combo to open commands menu "ZoomOut radar" + "Look behind");
- Added leash model,animation and sound effects for leashing/unleashing dog process;


- Added fast action button (ZoomOut radar by default. See control description);
- Added animal detection mode;
- Improved attack and catch actions;
- Removed taxi ride possibility if player is passenger;
Show Full Description

Először Feltöltve: 2018. március 23.
Utoljára Feltöltve: 2022. november 6.
Utoljára Letöltött: 24 perce

All Versions

 4.5 (current)

13 759 letöltés , 500 KB
2022. november 6.


1 070 letöltés , 500 KB
2022. október 23.


18 656 letöltés , 300 KB
2020. február 19.


1 308 letöltés , 300 KB
2020. január 23.


6 106 letöltés , 300 KB
2019. február 22.

306 Hozzászólás