
Focus [Special Abilities+] 1.4


1 707

Focus is a script that enhances special abilities and adds them for all player types.

Core features:
  • Driving: Slows down time + adjusts vehicle handling for easier maneuvers; Stopping distance of the vehicle (with default "S") is not instant but still pretty short. For instant stop hit "Space". For speed boost press and hold "Shift"
  • On foot: Slows down time to 30% by default; when player is aiming the time is slowed to 15%; when sprinting time is slowed down to 60% and player's sprint speed is increased
  • Invincibility: While on foot, if the health drops below 120 (configurable) player will be granted invincibility for 10 seconds indicated by screen and audio effects; Cooldown - 30 seconds (All time is configurable)

  • Configuration:
  • PROTAGONISTS_KEY: Activation key when playing as Michael/Franklin/Trevor (Default Z)
  • DEFAULT_KEY: Any other ped model key (Default CapsLock)
  • 4X4_STEERING: When ability is active sets all wheels as steering for easier maneuvers (Default true)
  • CUSTOM_BOOST_SPEED_CAP: Whether to stop speed boost if BOOST_SPEED_CAP reached (Default true)
  • BOOST_SPEED_CAP: Speed threshold to stop boosting (Default is 200)
  • TIME_SCALE_DEFAULT_PERCENT: Defualt time slowdown percent when not aiming/sprinting (Default 30)
  • TIME_SCALE_SPRINT_PERCENT: Time slowdown percent when sprinting (Default 60)
  • TIME_SCALE_AIM_PERCENT: Time slowdown percent when aiming (Default 15)
  • DRIVING_SOUNDS_ENABLED: Sound effect while driving focus is active (Default true)
  • INVINCIBILITY_SOUNDS_ENABLED: Heartbeat sound while invincibility is active (Default true)
  • ABILITY_DURATION_SECONDS: Default 8 (Keep in mind the value is in-game seconds which getting streched according to slowing percentage)
  • RECHARGE_RATE: Units per second (Default 5)
  • DEDICATED_INVINCIBILITY_BAR_COLOR: Change bar color when invincibility is active
  • DRAIN_RATE_MULTIPLIER_ON_BOOST: How faster to drain ability on vehicle boost (Default 3)
  • VISUAL_FILTERS_ENABLED: Enable or disable filters
  • ON_FOOT_TIMECYCLE_MODIFIER: Visual filter modifier
  • VEHICLE_TIMECYCLE_MODIFIER: Visual filter modifier
  • [AbilityBar]:
    • HIDDEN: Remove indicator from HUD
    • DYNAMIC: Indicator will be hidden from HUD unless it's charging/ability is active + 5 seconds after ability fully charged
    • HORIZONTAL: Indicator will be displayed below default yellow one for protagonists and replace it for non-protagonists
    • R: Red (0-255)
    • G: Green (0-255)
    • B: Blue (0-255)

  • Installation
    Place Focus.dll and Focus.ini into "scripts" folder.
    You'll need Script Hook V & Script Hook .NET

    Activate ability:
    - Xbox: Dpad Right + A
    - PS: Dpad Right + X
    Boost vehicle speed:
    - Xbox: A
    - PS: X

    Instant stop + sprint boost are mapped to GTA button responsible for these actions.

    Planned updates
  • Mouse support

  • Changelog
    • Added config vars for visuals customization
    • Added possibility to toggle horizontal bar
    • Added "focus" cheat code which will regen ability bar
    • Enhanced vehicle stability on turning

    • Controller support

    • Ability now drains faster when using vehicle boost [DRAIN_RATE_MULTIPLIER_ON_BOOST]
    • Ability bar will change it's color to red when invincibility is active [DEDICATED_INVINCIBILITY_BAR_COLOR]
    • Vehicle boost will now produce screen effect [BOOST_SCREEN_EFFECT_ENABLED]
    • The faster player drives the faster is ability regen
    • Ability will regenerate faster when killing enemies

    • Fixed bikes handling
    • Fixed tailight trail rendering

    • Handling of aircrafts and boats won't be affected anymore (only time will be slowed down)
    • Improved ability bar & made it dynamic

    • Added time limit and hud bar

    • Added invincibility feature
    • Added sound for driving
    • Fixed a bug where upon exit from vehicle toggling focus would not slow down time

    • SHVDN Compatibility patch

    • Driving & On-foot focus
    Show Full Description

    Először Feltöltve: 2024. július 20.
    Utoljára Feltöltve: 2024. szeptember 1.
    Utoljára Letöltött: 6 órája

    All Versions

     1.4 (current)

    587 letöltés , 10 KB
    2024. szeptember 1.


    432 letöltés , 10 KB
    2024. július 28.


    33 letöltés , 10 KB
    2024. július 28.


    169 letöltés , 10 KB
    2024. július 24.


    161 letöltés , 10 KB
    2024. július 22.


    56 letöltés , 10 KB
    2024. július 22.


    36 letöltés , 10 KB
    2024. július 21.


    208 letöltés , 9 KB
    2024. július 20.


    25 letöltés , 9 KB
    2024. július 20.

    43 Hozzászólás