Soldat Armée de Terre 1.0
1 782
1 782
That looks like 2000's Afghanistan and Iraq U.S. forces.
Amazing! Do you have the assault rifle link?
now I am able to run away in style
@Irineu Hum, sorry, I don't have it right now, try to search for "FAMAS"
@Acekiler34 What do you mean ? Is that a critic of French Army ? Cz you got the wrong guy for that.
Please, respect those men and women, they are soldiers, they are risking their lives, they just deserve respect !
Dope bro! U.S version would be dope indeed
@Baud0412 I know it's a Famas... I think some people know them only by the model name (F1 or G2) so I referred to it as "assault rifle". Thanks for the reply anyways :D Can you at least tell me if the model is animated or not?
@Acekiler34 @Acekiler34 The armies of France, from Louis XIV to Napoleon, were known to be the plagues of the continent..., the French military actually has the best military record in Europe having won 132 of the 185 battles they fought in the last 800 years...
France is one of the most warring nation ever, having fought and won the most battles and wars in European histo
Can someone tell me where do i put the mod in what folder?