
Umbrella Corp's Hummer

42915a 20161110192829 1
42915a 20161110192958 1
42915a 20161110192935 1

1 462

This Hummer also has a siren but if you guys want one without a siren , just let me know in the comments and i'll upload it . You can choose the hummer with or without the logo on the hood , because i think that people might be bothered that theres a logo on the hood so i let people choose .
Please like/comment any suggestions/request , really means alot .

Credits to : -Yard1 for car model
-Umbrella Corps for providing me the vehicle
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Először Feltöltve: 2016. november 10.
Utoljára Feltöltve: 2016. november 10.
Utoljára Letöltött: 5 napja

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1 462 letöltés , 3 MB
2016. november 10.

9 Hozzászólás