
Atatürk Posters / Atatürk Pankartları

D34e99 pgta5294112266
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My first mod I've ever made for a GTA series. The usual fame or shame posters (the boring and ugly ones) are being replaced with the posters of M.K. Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic.

I hope you guys like this. Also I need help at converting cars or someone who can teach it to me. So dear car modders or converters, please contact me here at converting cars.

Atatürk Posters

My first mod I've ever made for a GTA series.
The usual fame or shame posters (the boring and ugly ones) are being replaced with the posters of M.K. Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic.

I hope you guys like this. Also I need help at converting cars or someone who can teach it to me.
So dear car modders or converters, please contact me for converting cars.

1. Use Open IV (as usual)
2. Search by pressing Ctrl+F3 for dt1_22 rpf or GTA V/x64i.rpf/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/dt1_22.rpf
3. Replace the current files with the old ones, but don't forget to backup
4. Don't claim or upload it as your own.
5. Contact me if you are a modder at t-bzkt@hotmail.com


Created by: Bozkurt20


Atatürk pankartları

Bu benim herhangi bir GTA serisi için ilk modum. Bu pankart Pillbox Hills'deki eski pankartları M.K.A.'ün pankartları ile değişiyor.
Ayrıca ben GTA 5 için araba konverti yapmak istiyorum, fakat bu konuda yardıma ihtiyacım var. Lütfen bana bu konuda yardımcı olun veyahut eğitin.

1. Open IV'i açınız
2. Ctrl+F3'ü basarak dt1_22.rpf arayayınız yada GTA V/x64i.rpf/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/dt1_22.rpf
3. Yeni dosyaları eski dosyalar ile değiştirin ve güvenlik kopyası yapmaya unutmayın (Backup)
4. Bu modu benden habersiz başka siteleri yüklemeyin ve kendinizi bu modun sahibi olarak göstermeyin
5. Araba konverti ile benimle t-bzkt@hotmail.com adresin'den iletişime geçerseniz sevinirim.

İyi oyunlar!


Los pósteros del Atatürk

Es mi primero mod para GTA.
Reemplezar el viejo pósteros de la Fame or Shame en Pillbox Hill con pósteros del Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, el primero presidente de la Turquía.
Si tu es un coche modder necesito ayuda a conversión los coches para GTA 5.

1. Usas Open IV
2. Buscas a dt1_22.rpf por presianando Ctrl+F3 o GTA V/x64i.rpf/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/dt1_22.rpf
3. Reemplazas el actual archivos con viejo archivos y haces un backup
4. No reclamas como tu propio o subes sin mi permiso
5. Contáctame a t-bzkt@hotmail.com (si tu es un modder)



Atatürk Poster

Das ist mein allererster mod für eine GTA-Serie. Diese Poster ersetzen die Fame or Shame Poster in Pillbox Hills mit dem Poster von Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Außerdem benötige ich hilfe beim konvertieren von Fahrzeugen für GTA 5. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand darin hilft und untersützt bzw. mir es beibringt.

1. Öffne Open IV
2. Drücke Strg+F3 und suche nach dt1_22.rpf oder GTA V/x64i.rpf/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/dt1_22.rpf
3. Ersetze die neuen Dateien mitdem der alten und vergisst nicht eine Kopie zu erstellen (Backup)!
4. Ladet diesen Mod bitte nicht ohne meine Erlaubnis auf anderen Seiten oder behauptet dies sei euer eigenes Mod.
5. Kontaktiert mich wegen dem konvertieren der Autos für GTA 5 bei t-bzkt@hotmail.com

Viel Spaß!

Created by: Bozkurt20
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Feltöltve: 2015. augusztus 25.
Utoljára Letöltött: 3 napja

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1 746 letöltés , 20 MB
2015. augusztus 25.

14 Hozzászólás